Monday, April 30, 2007


To answer some questions:

1. I am back home
2. I am safe and healthy
3. I did get really sick on the trip
4. The trip was an amazing experience

Sorry for the lack of post and pics. Internet was very slow in Ethiopia (read dial-up) and, especially when we were in the villages in the South, not always available.

Suffice to say, I have taken a few photographs.

I will be putting together a photo essay and submitting it to a few magazines. Also, some of the photographs will be made available to Hope International and Save Lives Ethiopia (SaLE) for their use. In addition, I would like to see if I can get a coffee shop/gallery to put up the photos.

I am in the process of editing them now and I will put up a couple when I'm done. I'll also put up information about any show/event involving the photos or presentations about our Broken Wing trip here and on my upcoming website.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

If any show/event involving the photos or resenyation about your trip, would you please give us a call as we are interested in seeing them.
